Exercitation qui dolor dolor lorem proident commodo nisi.
© Holy Family Episcopal Church
Community Backpack Drive
100% of
received are
used to purchase new backpacks
and new school supplies for
families identified by the Cabrillo
School District, Coastside Hope,
and Abundant Grace Coastside
Worker as being candidates for
assistance with back-to-school
needs. Administrative costs are
covered by Holy Family through
their General Fund, so that all
funds donated from the larger
community go directly to support
this community-wide program. To
learn more about the backpack
program, click here.
Alms & Emergency Needs
Vicar’s Discretionary Fund
This fund is
used for alms
for poor and
other charitable uses. The funds
are used in many ways - to help
individuals or families with food,
gas, or payment of a bill; to
support or partner with other local
organizations who provide similar
support; and to provide direct
assistance to individuals or
organizations in the wake of
disasters or tragedies. The fund is
audited annually, but our Vicar
(priest) is given discretion to
administer this fund in a way that
provides confidentiality to those
receiving assistance.
Community Service
Kearney Rietmann Outreach Fund
We welcome
donations to support our outreach
efforts. Holy Family provides a
monthly produce distribution,
organizes the Coastside Community
Backpack drive, participates in
Coastside Hope’s Adopt a Family at
Christmas and more. The Kearney
Rietmann Outreach Fund supports
our ongoing local community
service projects and outreach
efforts. The fund was started as a
memorial fund to honor Kearny
Rietmann, who was a great
supporter of our outreach efforts.
click here.
Holy Family General Fund
The General Fund supports the
ongoing, day-to-day needs of Holy
Family, staffing and resources for
our programs, maintaining our
facilities and grounds, and
providing program funds to support
education and community service
Designated Gifts
If you would like to make a
designated gift to support a
specific ministry not listed on this
page, please contact the church by
phone, (650-726-0506, or email
(click here), to make the
appropriate arrangements.
Thank you for your interest in supporting the work and mission of Holy Family Episcopal Church and our efforts to
serve the Coastside community. All donations to Holy Family are tax deductible, and our 501.c.3 ID# is 94-1156840 (we
are a named subordinate of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of California).
Donations may be made online (details below), or by mail to:
Holy Family Episcopal Church
P.O. Box 215
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-0215
For more information or questions, please contact the church (by email click here), or by phone at (650) 726-0506.
Holy Family Episcopal Church
an inclusive community, sharing the love of God in Christ
P.O. Box 215
1590 South Cabrillo Hwy
Half Moon Bay, CA
(650) 726-0506
1590 South Cabrillo Hwy
Half Moon Bay, CA
(650) 726-0506
Half Moon Bay, California
Memorial Gifts
If you would like to make a
Memorial gift in memory of or in
honor of someone, please contact
the church by phone, (650-726-
0506, or email (click here), to
make the appropriate
P.O. Box 215, 1590 South Cabrillo Hwy
Half Moon Bay, CA
(650) 726-0506
Holy Family Children’s
Center Scolarship Fund
This fund supports scolarships to
attend Holy Family Children’s