an inclusive community, sharing the love of God in Christ
© Holy Family Episcopal Church


Pastoral Support

To speak with a pastor or to be added to our church's prayer list, contact the church office at (650) 726-0506. If you are experiencing a medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911 for immediate assistance. If you are feeling suicidal and need emotional support or counseling referrals, please call the San Mateo County Crisis Hotline at (650) 579-0350. If you are lonely or sad and need non-emergency emotional support, please call the Friendship Line at (800) 971-0016.

Prayer & Scripture

- Read the Bible online, (New Revised Standard Version) - Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal prayer and worship) - Forward Day by Day (devotional) - Pray as you Go (Prayer podcast)

LGBT Resources

- Coast Pride - Coast Pride Multifaith Partners (including Holy Family) - San Mateo County LGBT Center - LGBTQ+ in the Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church & Anglican Communion

- The Episcopal Church - Anglican Communion - Episcopal Cafe - The Diocese of California - Episcopal News Service - Anglican World Magazine - Anglican Communion New Service - Episcopal Bookstore - Episcopal Church Foundation "Vital Practices" - Church Publishing

Resources to give and serve our neighbors

- Episcopal Migration Ministry - Episcopal Public Policy Network - Episcopal Relief and Development - United Thank Offering

Coastside Community Resources

- Coastside Hope - Abundant Grace Coastside Worker - Puente de la Costa Sur - ALAS

Church Members

- Holy Family Expense Voucher - Holy Family deposit form
Holy Family Episcopal Church

Half Moon Bay, California

P.O. Box 215 1590 South Cabrillo Hwy Half Moon Bay, CA (650) 726-0506
P.O. Box 215, 1590 South Cabrillo Hwy Half Moon Bay, CA (650) 726-0506
an inclusive community, sharing the love of God in Christ
© Holy Family Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 215 (1590 South Cabrillo Highway) Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 (650) 726-0506


Pastoral Support

To speak with a pastor or to be added to our church's prayer list, contact the church office at (650) 726-0506. If you are experiencing a medical or psychiatric emergency, please call 911 for immediate assistance. If you are feeling suicidal and need emotional support or counseling referrals, please call the San Mateo County Crisis Hotline at (650) 579-0350. If you are lonely or sad and need non-emergency emotional support, please call the Friendship Line at (800) 971-0016.

Prayer & Scripture

- Read the Bible online, (New Revised Standard Version) - Book of Common Prayer (Episcopal prayer and worship) - Forward Day by Day (devotional) - Pray as you Go (Prayer podcast)

LGBT Resources

- Coast Pride - Coast Pride Multifaith Partners (including Holy Family) - San Mateo County LGBT Center - LGBTQ+ in the Episcopal Church

The Episcopal Church &

Anglican Communion

- The Episcopal Church - Anglican Communion - Episcopal Cafe - The Diocese of California - Episcopal News Service - Anglican World Magazine - Anglican Communion New Service - Episcopal Bookstore - Episcopal Church Foundation "Vital Practices" - Church Publishing

Resources to give and

serve our neighbors

- Episcopal Migration Ministry - Episcopal Public Policy Network - Episcopal Relief and Development - United Thank Offering

Coastside Community


- Coastside Hope - Abundant Grace Coastside Worker - Puente de la Costa Sur - ALAS

Church Members

- Holy Family Expense Voucher - Holy Family deposit form
Holy Family Episcopal Church